All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (2025)

There are around 50 different bees available in Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator, each with unique abilities. If you’re looking to find a particular bee to help you with a certain aspect of the game, check out my guide on how to get each type of bee in Bee Swarm Simulator.

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How to get all bees in Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (1)

When you start out in Bee Swarm Simulator, you’ll only have one bee and 25 slots available for adding to your collection. You’ll have access to the Basic Egg Store (pictured above) within clear sight of your hive (look to the left), where you can purchase Basic Eggs. Your first Basic Egg will cost you 1k Honey, the second 2.5k Honey, and this cost continues to multiply.

Thankfully, as you continue to explore the game, you’ll unlock new areas by collecting more bees. For example, you’ll unlock your first new area once you have collected five bees. As you explore new areas you will earn more tickets and be able to buy Golden Eggs from the Ticket Tent.

There are six classes of bees in Bee Swarm Simulator. Four classes are available as standard, which are Basic, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. In addition, there are also Mythic and Event bees.

How to get Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (2)

The better the quality of the Egg Store, the higher the chance you have of getting rare eggs.

Egg TypeBasic Bee (% chance)Rare Bee (% chance)Epic Bee (% chance)Legendary Bee (% chance)Mythic Bee (% chance)
Basic Egg87102.50.50
Silver Egg064.93050.1
Gold Egg0079201
Diamond Egg000955
Mythic Egg0000100
Royal Jelly0702730.004

Note you can also use Royal Jelly (a rare item drop) to transform a bee into a random Rare, Epic, or Legendary. It is wise to use these in the early game only when you get a common Basic Bee. Once you advance to being able to buy Silver Eggs, you’ll be guaranteed to always get at least Rare Bees.

How to get Event Bees

Each Event Bee can be only acquired in a specific way. Event bees can cost Robux or Tickets (a rare in-game currency) or are the result of a long quest chain or completed collection. For all the details of how to acquire each one, see the list below.

All bees in Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (3)

Rare Bees tend to have a single ability, while Epic Bees usually have two of the Rare Bee abilities combined. Legendary and Mythic Bees have similar abilities to Epic Bees as well as at least one additional ability, while Event Bees tend to have at least one unique ability. While the game certainly isn’t pay-to-win note that the Bear Bee is only available via Robux. However, all bees can be traded between players (including the Bear Bee).

All Event Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (4)
  • Bear Bee (colorless): Can be bought for 800 Robux. Transforms into a bear that doubles pollen collection and boosts your speed and jump.
  • Cobalt Bee (blue): Costs 250 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Boost the collecting power of your other blue bees. Does the same for red bees if you have Crimson Bee as well. Allows Blue bombs to also collect white flowers. If Red Bombs are synced, this also affects red flowers.
  • Crimson Bee (red): Costs 250 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Boost the collecting power of your other red bees. Does the same for blue bees if you have Cobalt Bee as well. Allows Red bombs to also collect white flowers. If Blue Bombs are synced, this also affects blue flowers.
  • Digital Bee (colorless): You must reach Round 20 of the Robo Bear Challenge to gain access to the Digital Bee in the Robo Bear Shop. It will then cost you 7,777,777 Honey as well as a whole bunch of drives (5 Red Drives, 5 Blue Drives, 5 White Drives, and 5 Glitched Drives). Gives a chance to duplicate tokens found, abilities triggered, and pollen collection rates.
  • Festive Bee (red): Costs 500 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Grants random gifts, and increases pollen conversion and red flower pollen rate. Can also create powerful Smiley Tokens, stun enemies, and cause stunned enemies to take bonus damage.
  • Gummy Bee (colorless): Only available from the Gummy Bee Egg Exchange for 2,500 Gumdrops. Shoots Goo all over the field you’re in, increasing the honey earned from all flowers covered.
  • Photon Bee (colorless): Costs 500 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Increases your movement speed by 10 percent and shoots rays from the sky that collect random pollen from flowers at an improved rate.
  • Puppy Bee (colorless): Costs 500 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Creates a ball that increases pollen collection by up to 100 percent but you need to kick it between you and the Puppy Bee.
  • Tabby Bee (colorless): Costs 500 tickets from the Ticket Tent. Once owned, it can be improved by collecting Tabby Tokens. Can collect pollen from three lines of four flowers at once with its Scratch ability.
  • Vicious Bee (blue): Only available from the Vicious Bee Egg Claim by turning in 250 Stingers. Summons Spikes to damage enemies, with hits creating Honey Tokens. Its bombs collect pollen from nearby Blue flowers.
  • Windy Bee (colorless): Only available after doting a Spirita Petal to the Wind Shrine. After this, you must donate Cloud Viles to the Wind Shrine. Each time you donate one, there is a small chance to gain the Windy Bee. You can only have one. It has several speed bonuses and can use your Haste stacks to summon a Tornado to damage enemies and collect tokens. It also summons clouds in adjoining fields.

All Mythic Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (5)
  • Buoyant Bee (blue): Collects pollen from 13 nearby Blue Flowers and increases nearby balloon pollen. It also creates a Blue Balloon.
  • Fuzzy Bee (colorless): Spawns two Fuzz Bombs. Catch them to pollinate nearby flowers. Also creates a yellow haze that pollinates random flowers and increases growth rate.
  • Precise Bee (red): Creates three targets you can run over to gain bonuses. If you run over all three targets you’ll receive Precision and Focus. Untriggered targets instead give a Red Boost.
  • Spicy Bee (red): Summons Flames that collect pollen, two temporary Fire Bees, and can strengthen any flames in the area.
  • Tadpole Bee (blue): Summons a frog that makes bonus-giving bubbles. The frog will also attack nearby enemies.
  • Vector Bee (colorless): Increases pollen collection in a large area. Creates a triangular zone and collects ability tokens from flowers within the area.

All Legendary Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (6)
  • Baby Bee (colorless): Gives you double pollen plus 50 percent bonus loot luck, which increases the odds of getting prizes from killed creatures.
  • Carpenter Bee (colorless): Marks a large area and grants two conversion links within it, which have an increased conversion rate. Also, increases all pollen produced in a randomly marked area on your field.
  • Demon Bee (red): Gives a red pollen boost, collects from 13 red flowers, and can spawn Flames that collect bonus pollen.
  • Diamond Bee (blue): Gives a blue pollen boost, randomly spawns Honey Tokens, and grants bonus Honey when you convert at the hive.
  • Lion Bee (colorless): Collects pollen from 29 surrounding flowers and combos with any similar abilities of other nearby bees to increase power.
  • Music Bee (colorless): Increases crit chance, and crit damage, and grants you 25 Honey for every Ability token it collects.
  • Ninja Bee (blue): Grants you Haste and collects pollen from 29 nearby blue flowers.
  • Shy Bee (red): Gives a red pollen boost, collects from 13 red flowers, and is twice as likely to sip from Planters (after which it will gather twice as much Nectar and give double growth to the planter).

All Epic Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (7)
  • Bubble Bee (blue): Uses Blue Bombs and can spawn Bubbles which, when popped, collect pollen.
  • Bucko Bee (blue): Gives a Blue Boost that increases pollen gathering from blue flowers.
  • Commander Bee (colorless): Uses Buzz Bombs and improves your Crit Chance. Crits do extra damage and grant bonus pollen.
  • Demo Bee (colorless): Uses Buzz Bombs (all flower colors).
  • Exhausted Bee (colorless): Uses Buzz Bombs (all flower colors), and grants honey as it collects Ability Tokens.
  • Fire Bee (red): Uses Red Bombs, spawns Flames, and increases red pollen gains.
  • Frosty Bee (blue): Gives a Blue Boost that increases pollen gathering from blue flowers, and also uses Blue Bombs.
  • Honey Bee (colorless): Can spawn Honey Tokens. Will mark a random area in your field, which will receive two conversion links and an increased conversion rate.
  • Rage Bee (red): Boosts the attack of other bees by 1, and grants you 25 Honey for every Ability token it collects.
  • Riley Bee (red): Gives a Red Boost that increases pollen gathering from red flowers.
  • Shocked Bee (colorless): Gives you Haste, and grants you 25 Honey for every Ability token it collects.

All Rare Bees

All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (8)
  • Bomber Bee (colorless): Uses Buzz Bombs (all colors).
  • Brave Bee (colorless): No abilities.
  • Bumble Bee (blue): Uses Blue Bombs.
  • Cool Bee (blue): Increases pollen production from Blue Flowers.
  • Hasty Bee (colorless): Gives you Haste.
  • Looker Bee (colorless): Improves your Crit Chance. Crits do extra damage and grant bonus pollen.
  • Rad Bee (red): Increases pollen production from Red Flowers.
  • Rascal Bee (red): Uses Red Bombs.
  • Stubborn Bee (colorless): Marks a random field area that increases pollen within it by 50 percent.

For more on Bee Swarm Simulator check out How to get Cogs in Bee Swarm Simulator – Roblox and here at Pro Game Guides!

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Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator

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All Bees in Bee Swarm Simulator and how to get them (2025)


How to get different bees in bee Swarm Simulator? ›

Bees are hatched from Eggs, with the probability of hatching a bee of a particular rarity or type depending on the rarity of the egg (i.e., a Gold Egg can hatch into an Epic, Legendary, or Mythic). The player can change the type of an already-hatched bee by applying a Royal Jelly or another egg.

How to get more than 25 bees in BSS? ›

By default, a hive contains 25 Hive Slots for bees. However, the player can purchase 25 additional slots at the Mountain Top Shop, for a max total of 50. The first slot starts at 3,000,000 (3 million) honey and increases sub-exponentially, capping off at 2,169,203,229,760 (2.17 trillion) at the 25th extra slot.

Where is the 20 bees in bee swarm simulator? ›

The Ant Gate, also called the 20 Bee Gate, is a gate that requires 20 bees to pass through. It is found near the Noob Shop, behind the traveling/event bear (e.g. Sun Bear) area.

How to get gifted bees in BSS? ›

Gifted Bees are a special type of bee with improved stats and a buff called a "Gifted Hive Bonus." It improves the performance of the player and/or their bees, similar to badges. Every time the player uses a royal jelly or hatches an egg, they have a 0.4% (1 in 250) chance to get a gifted bee.

Is there a queen bee in a swarm? ›

When a bee colony swarms, they split into two – half of the colony leaves with the old queen to form a new, separate colony, and the other half remains behind in the old hive with a new queen. Absconding is when all of the bees, including the queen, abandon the hive completely.

How rare is a mythic bee from royal jelly? ›


What is the rarest item in BSS? ›

What is the Rarest Inventory Item? Its Can Be mythic egg, event bee eggs or star treat.

What to do after 35 bees in bee swarm simulator? ›

After 35 Bees, you should get; Porcelain Dipper, Honey Mask, Porcelain Port O' Hive, Petal Wand, Golden Gushers, Gummy Mask, Coconut Canister, Coconut Clogs, Surpreme Saturator, Petal Belt. You should then grind both gifted bees and Gummy Boots at the same time.

Which bee is best in bss? ›

  • Barbie Bee. It has a strong ability token, which makes it one of the best bees in the game.
  • Bear Bee. Has a very important ability token, but it costs real money to get it.
  • Fuzzy Bee. ...
  • Festive Bee. ...
  • Diamond Bee. ...
  • Digital Bee. ...
  • Buoyant Bee. ...
  • Precise Bee.
Apr 25, 2023

What is the max bees in BSS? ›

The maximum number of bees a hive can contain is 50, but the price of that many hive slots is quite high. On top of the 6th hive, there is a statue of Onett, the game's creator. This statue can very rarely fall off and land in the rightmost hive. Each bee's hive slot has the face of the bee icon in the bee's color.

What is the rarest aphid in bee swarm simulator? ›

The Armored Aphid is one of the 3 rare types of aphids, the others being Rage Aphid and Diamond Aphid.

What's in royal jelly? ›

Royal jelly is harvested from the individual queen bee cells in honey bee hives and used as an emollient in topical creams as well as a dietary supplement for purported medicinal properties. Royal jelly consists of water, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, simple carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

How do you get free mythic eggs in BSS? ›

Ways to obtain a Mythic Egg:
  1. As a reward for getting Top 25 in the Daily Top Memory Matchers by the end of a day.
  2. Purchasing from the Robux Shop for 1,200 Robux each (limited to 3 eggs per player).
  3. Purchasing from the Ticket Tent for 2,500 Tickets each.

Where is the 7 gift in bss? ›

Gift Boxes
Gift BoxLocationNPCs Helped
Fluorescent Gift BoxBehind the Public Sticker Board in the Hive Hub7
Minty Gift BoxAbove the Pro Shop8
Sweet-n-Sour Gift BoxIn a cavern to the right of the Gummy Bee Egg Claim9
Pokey Gift BoxBetween Spirit Bear and the Petal Shop10
9 more rows

How do you get mutated bees in bee swarm simulator? ›

If the bee is radioactive, the chances when using a bitterberry are increased to a 1 in 100 chance, and royal jellies, moon charms, star jellies, and special treats have a chance of making the bee mutated. Atomic treats guarantee a mutation when fed to a bee, regardless of whether it is radioactive or not.

How do you get better bees in bee swarm simulator? ›

Royal jelly can transform bees into different ones. Sometimes, you'll get a better bee than you had before. Using gumdrops boosts your honey collection by two times, and using field dice boosts a random field.

How to unlock more bees in bee Simulator? ›

A basic hive contains 25 slots for bees. The player can expand their hive by buying additional hive slots at the Mountain Top Shop. The maximum number of bees a hive can contain is 50, but the price of that many hive slots is quite high. On top of the 6th hive, there is a statue of Onett, the game's creator.


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